Shame on You (tube) airs May 25, 21:00 on CBC R1 IDEAS
May 25, 2015
Webmaster in CBC's IDEAS, Christopher Boehm, Creative Nonfiction, Dave Redel, Flesh Search, Gregory Brown, IDEA, Jennifer Jacquet, Jon Ronson, Joseph Burgo, Justine Sacco, Moral Origins, Shame, Writing

My new documentary Shame on You (tube) airs Monday May 25 at 21:00 on CBC Radio 1 IDEAS.

FMI or to listen to the show on your computer: 

 We are watched. Caught on ubiquitous cell phone cameras. Tweeted in real time. Judged by a capricious social media jury.  Andy Warhol predicted that everyone would have 15 minutes of fame.  Kelley Jo Burke ponders how we live in a world where everyone might have 15 minutes of shame. 

Article originally appeared on - Kelley Jo Burke (
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